“It Is Well” is copyright 2015 Jesus Culture Music. Performance by Kristene Dimarco.

Tragically, we lost Travis Garrett Schoening on Sunday, October 19, 2021. This website encompasses only a small part of the amazing tribute put together by family members, friends, friends of friends, and the towns of Glenwood and Mineola, Iowa.Between family photos, photos Travis took, and photos submitted by friends and family, the video tribute was put together over the span of roughly thirty hours, just in time for his memorial and internment on Saturday, October 9, 2021.The video of the memorial was live-streamed from St. John Lutheran Church ELCA, led by Pastor Luke Kuenzli, and features eulogies from Dan Welz (brother-in-law), best friends, Brent Yezek and Kurt Narron, and tribute video by Michael Cohn (brother-in-law).There were, literally, hundreds - maybe thousands - of photographs to look through. It was very difficult, but those chosen were then assembled into the slideshow that was played prior to the memorial and seen at the bottom of the main page of this site.No words can truly express the outpouring of love for Travis and how much everyone whose lives were touched by Travis have been affected by his loss. We miss you, T.Go Rams!